Audio Services

Location sound production

High-quality sound recordings for film, documentary, commercials, concerts, broadcasts and online content.

Sound Design & Post Production

Providing dialog editing, mixing sound effects, atmos, and music or creating soundscapes. Whether it be for film, documentary, theatre or music projects.

Sound Engineering

Operating (FOH) sound systems for music or theatre performances or provide mixing for studio projects.

AV Installations

Facilitating and arranging multi-channel speaker systems according to each space.


I am a freelancer based in Amsterdam and working internationally. I completed my studies in Sonology at the Royal Conservatoire of the Hague. During my studies I was researching Sound Recording, Sound Design, Psychoacoustics, Synthesis, Composition and Spatial Acoustics.

My world revolves around sound, I am an attentive listener with an ear for detail. I have a background in the arts, so besides my technical expertise I have an artistic sensibility within the context of projects. I enjoy being challenged, like to work together, think in terms of solution and can embrace experimentation.

As a Location Sound Recordist/Mixer I am hired for high-quality sound recordings. I record for film, documentary, commercials, concerts, broadcasts, online content and video art. I am familiar with in- and outdoor recording techniques, such as Instrumental, Dialogue, Stereo, Binaural, Ambisonics (VR/360) or 5.1. Surround.

I provide Sound Design and Post Production work for diverse projects. Having an artistic background in Sound Art helps me to integrate this experience into my work as a Sound Designer. In general I work with my own equipment and studio.

Within Sound Engineering I have experience working with analog/digital mixing consoles, FOH systems and diverse microphones. I operate divers audio system for music or theater performances and prepare audiovisual installations. During studio projects I mix intuitively and musically, experimenting during the process and complementing the sought after sound.

Also I can assist with specific Sound Art and Contemporary Art projects, installations and give electro-acoustic advice about the use of multi-channel audio/speaker systems in relation to the space and environment they are presented. I give Workshops in Sound Design, audio concepts and Field Recording.


Film Series: Seven Little Criminals (Gouden Kalf Winner)

As a location sound mixer I worked on this exciting and beautiful shot film series based on a book by Italian writer, Cristian Frascella. Seven twelve-year olds plan to rob a bank in this adventurous and engrossing heist series about the value of family and friendship.

Current / previous clients

Family affair films logo
concerthall sound design picture
Topkapi logo
International Theater Amsterdam
concertgebouw amsterdam
Pupkin logo
Van Gogh logo
Nederlands orkest afbeelding


If you have any questions regarding your project or you are interested in hiring me please fill in your details and message below.